It is systematic approaches for the healthcare system to collect, manage, and share data and information between various levels. Most of it uses software; however, some still remain with paper forms such as TBIS. For some diseases, such as Tuberculosis, pilot programs like MyTB has been developed by health officer from Kelantan state and is currently being used and assessed in some district offices only, MyTB is not being used at SIK DHO at the moment. There is no separate unit which govern HMIS in the DHO, each subsystem is used and maintained by their respective departments.
It is formerly known as CDCIS. It is not a software that is installed on your computer, but a website. In contrast to other softwares like VEKPRO, it can be accessed by anyone with the registered username and password, anywhere, on any computer. The link is For SIK DHO, the unit that uses E-notis is mainly Communicable Disease Control (CDC). For the user account of PPKP of CDC, SIK, only information of patients from SIK is available; similarly, user account of State Health Officer will be able to access patients information from that particular state only.
It serves as a two-way communication tool, i.e. data flow from peripheral to center as well as from center to peripheral. For instance, if a dengue is newly diagnosed and confirmed by Sik Hospital, it will be notified to the State Health Officer, and he will then key in the data of that new case into the system. Then, the information will be available to SIK DHO and appropriate actions will be carried out. Conversely, if a disease is diagnosed at a DHO, the data entry is to be done by the DHO and available to the state as well as central level. However, this is rare because only confirmed cases will be entered into the system and confirmation normally done by laboratories in larger centers. Diseases covered by E-notis include Dengue/DHF, TB, HIV/AIDS etc.
The officers in charge are expected to keep themselves updated daily by logging in everyday. E-notis enables real time information sharing and make the notification process faster and easier. However, this system is vulnerable to technical problem such as system corruption, lack of IT support etc.
This is software which is installed on selected computers in the DHO. Unlike E-notis, whatever data being entered into the software is available only to that particular computer user. It covers various vector-borne disease such as Dengue, Malaria, Filariasis, Japanese Encephalitis etc. However, only Dengue, Malaria, Filariasis are being used in SIK. It enables the Vektor Unit to record all the activities and findings into the system, e.g. new cases, its associated data, Aedes survey findings and appropriate actions.
However, the software is not capable of analyzing data and the PPKP has to count the number of cases as well as plot graphs manually. As mentioned earlier, it does not support communication of data online like E-notis, hence, the data file has to be saved and emailed to higher level as reporting at regular intervals.
Water Quality System (WQS)
This is a software used by Kawalan Mutu Air Minuman (KMAM). It functions like VEKPRO, enables the officer to record all the readings obtained from every trip for water sampling. Each data sheet belongs to a sampling station, in that sheet are various columns for the readings, such as turbidity, conductivity, chlorine level etc. Again, the report has to be saved and emailed to higher level for reporting. The WQS is only installed on one computer per DHO, and the officer in charge has to bring the computer to the State Health Office for the installation process. Previously, the software installed on the computer was found to be problematic after returning from the State Health Office and therefore the software was not used for a few years. Until 2008, a newer version of WQS was launched and it is this second version of WQS that is in used at SIK DHO at the moment. Even the SIK District Health Officer and PPKPK are not able to view reports from WQS simply because they do not have the software installed on their computer and WQS does not support report printing function. The officer in charge felt personally that the software is not very helpful at this stage, and the use of this software is still at an infancy stage.
Tuberculosis Information System (TBIS)
In contrast to all the previous subsystem, this is neither a software nor a website. It is merely a system which uses paper forms to record information about Tuberculosis. Various forms are available for different purposes.
Form 10A1 – details of the patient
Form 10A2 – details of the treatment
Form 10C – for contact tracing
Form 10D – to inform defaulter
Form 10K – for transfer of patients to other district
Form 10J – for patients who die while receiving treatment, or those who die within 6 months after cessation of treatment
This is a website which functions like E-Notis and it is not cuurently used by SIK DHO. The link is
Family Health Management Information System (FHMIS)
- To assist in planning for future needs and evaluation of performance
- To control the quality and effectiveness in Family Healthcare Delivery System
- To help in development of standardization in Maternal and Child Health Delivery
- To standardize the reporting system in Maternal and Child Health
It functions at various levels, including National level, State level, District level and Rural Health Unit Level.
1. Production of data required to assess the performance at various levels.
2. Generation of routine reports.
3. To be integrated with other subsystems of HMIS for various purposes.
4. To give rooms for improvements in the future.
Prepared by Ng Kim Lai (0600484)
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