HMIS is responsible for collecting information to be used in the effective planning, development, coordination and evaluation of the individual programme. It also allows the monitoring of existing programmes. It is also a decision support system for health management. This system links information to managerial concern. At the same time, accurate, timely & accessible health care data play a vital role in the planning
· To Achieve Excellence in Health Information Management to Support Evidence Based Decision Making to Improve Health Outcomes and strengthen Health Governance.
· To provide the policy and strategic framework for better health information management in the country
· To provide directions on the legislative and regulatory changes necessary to support the action plan
· To determine the organization and action plan to enable the translation of policy to practice
· To clarify the responsibilities of the stakeholders and coordination activities required to support the action plan
· To identify building blocks necessary to support the change
· To determine the skill match and training required to support the change
HMIS e-Reporting system reduces the time in preparing returns and reports because it decreases the time used in calculating totals & aggregating data (PKD, JKN, IDS). It also improves the quality of data through the validation at source. At the same time, there is a standardisation & consistency of data through the usage and application of facility Codes and National Health Data Dictionary (NHDD) elements.
HMIS e-Reporting System.
HMIS e-Reporting system is an electronic reporting system for the collection, collation and analysis of Health information in MOH facilities. A web-based reporting system has been developed through which all health and health related data from MOH facilities, non MOH facilities and the private sector are transacted to ensure timely and quality health information.
The HMIS e-Reporting system uses Microsoft Excel as a formatted spreadsheet application for the collection of source data at the Facility level and is aggregated at the Submitting Location for online submission to the Information Documentation System Unit (IDS) of the Ministry of Health. The set of Excel files used in the collection of data locally at the Facility level is known as departmental ‘Workbooks’ while the files used at the Submitting Location for submission of aggregate data are known as the ‘Returns’.
Examples of
Facilities are : Klinik Kesihatan, Hospital Departments, Dental Clinics and their respective
Submitting locations are : District Health Office (DHO), Medical Records Office, District Dental Office
System Components.
· E-forms in Excel formatted-worksheets at DHO
· E-Forms System in application software at DHO
· E-Reporting Portal which is accessible to authorized users via the internet.
Prepare data / returns & sends to PKD
Receive data from KK and compile District Returns
Submit completed Returns electronically to IDS
View and verify submissions in Portal and State Reports
Follow-up with District Health Office to correct Returns
Monitor submission status of Returns from Districts
Monitor submission status of Returns from State
Quality-check aggregate Reports produced by system
Produce Annual Reports
Produce ad-hoc reports from database
Provide support to users
Program Managers
Provide support to users preparing the Returns
View reports in Portal
· E-Forms System in application software at DHO
· E-Reporting Portal which is accessible to authorized users via the internet.
Prepare data / returns & sends to PKD
Receive data from KK and compile District Returns
Submit completed Returns electronically to IDS
View and verify submissions in Portal and State Reports
Follow-up with District Health Office to correct Returns
Monitor submission status of Returns from Districts
Monitor submission status of Returns from State
Quality-check aggregate Reports produced by system
Produce Annual Reports
Produce ad-hoc reports from database
Provide support to users
Program Managers
Provide support to users preparing the Returns
View reports in Portal
Data Collection, Reporting & Processing.
Data is collected through e-forms application from all hospitals, health office and clinics in electronic format. Data collection is done through standardized data interface format for collection of relevant data for the returns from the existing electronic systems e.g. THIS (Total Hospital Information System), CDCIS (Communicable Disease Case Information System), SMRP (Sistem Maklumat Rawatan Perubatan – Medical Treatment Information System), FOSIM (Food Safety Information System of Malaysia) and so on.
At district level, data is sent monthly to the District Health Office from the Klinik Kesihatan and Klinik Desa. One such example is the data on Maternal Child Health. The data under Maternal Child Health includes a number components which can be seen in the diagram below :
Data is collected through e-forms application from all hospitals, health office and clinics in electronic format. Data collection is done through standardized data interface format for collection of relevant data for the returns from the existing electronic systems e.g. THIS (Total Hospital Information System), CDCIS (Communicable Disease Case Information System), SMRP (Sistem Maklumat Rawatan Perubatan – Medical Treatment Information System), FOSIM (Food Safety Information System of Malaysia) and so on.
At district level, data is sent monthly to the District Health Office from the Klinik Kesihatan and Klinik Desa. One such example is the data on Maternal Child Health. The data under Maternal Child Health includes a number components which can be seen in the diagram below :
The work process begins with the District Health Office (DHO) compiling returns from different units. After the compilation process, DHO will then submit the returns electronically via the e-Forms system to the Central Database at the IDS Unit. The Returns and State Reports will also be verified by the State Health Office through the e-Reporting Portal. IDS Unit of Ministry of Health will be responsible for the processing and dissemination of information generated. The information will then be published by IDS in the form of monthly and annual reports. The Web-based portals also allow access to all reports and publications, distribution of updated versions of e forms application as well as interface with other relevant agencies like Statistics Department. JKN and Programs Manager are also able to track status of submissions and view the National and State Aggregate Reports.
HMIS Subsystems.
Family Health Information System.
The Family Health Information System is a system where all the components of Family Health are incorporated inside and sent to the central database for verification and processing. Under this system, there are many subdivisions which are as listed below :
KIB – Kesihatan Ibu (Maternal Health) - 6
KKK – Kesihatan Kanak-kanak (Child Health) - 8
PKW – Kesihatan Wanita (Women Health) - 1
KSK – Kesihatan Sekolah (School Health) - 3
PKR – Kesihatan Remaja (Adolescent Health) - 4
PKWE – Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Warga Emas (Elderly Health Service) - 2
KZM – Pemakanan (Diet) - 1
Total Returns - 25
Each of these units from every Klinik Kesihatan will be sending their data to the District Health Office where it will be compiled collectively by the Medical Record Assistant (Qualification – SPM). The keying in of data is also done by the same person and all the Returns will be sent to IDS in the Ministry of Health on a monthly basis (before the 10th of each month) according to the work process mentioned above.
Periodical Reports of Family Health Information are as follows :
Maternal Health (KIB).
· Monthly/Annual Report of antenatal care – KIB 201A Pind. 2/2007
· Annual coverage of antenatal mothers, average visit to clinics and Immunisation of Anti-tetanus Toxoid – KIB 201B Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report on number of births and postnatal care – KIB 202A Pind. 2/2007
· Percentage of home delivery by different personnel and trained staffs (Ministry of Health/Private) - KIB 202B Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Reports on maternal mortality rate, stillbirths and death of children less than 7 years old - KIB 203A Pind. 2/2007
· Annual Reports on maternal mortality rate, stillbirths and death of children less than 7 years old - KIB 203B Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report on neonatal jaundice and G6PD deficiency according to health clinic, district health office and state - KIB 205 Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report of home visit - KIB 206A Pind. 2/2007
Child Health (KKK).
· Monthly Report of child health with regards to clinic session and visit to clinic – KKK 201A Pind. 2/2007
· Annual coverage baby, children (1-4 years), pre-school children (5-6 years) and average visit to clinic for children according to age group - KKK 201B Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report for Immunisation DTP, HIB, DT and Japanese Encephalitis - KKK 202A Pind. 2/2007
· Annual Report for Immunisation DTP, HIB, DT and Japanese Encephalitis - KKK 202B Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report for Immunisation Polio, Measles, MMR & Hepatitis B - KKK 203A Pind. 2/2007
· Annual Report for Immunisation Polio, Measles, MMR & Hepatitis B - KKK 203B Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report for Immunisation Rubella - KKK 204A Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report in usage and control of vaccine stock - KKK 205A Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report for health staffs, blood donors and drug addicts who are tested for Hepatitis B and given the immunization as well as babies who are given Hepatitis B immunization in government hospitals - KKK 209 Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report of children in need of special care 0-18 years - KKK 206 Pind. 2/2007
Women Health (PKW).
· Monthly/Annual Report for family planning – PKW 201 Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report of pap smear taken and positive results according to lab reports - PKW 202 Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Reports on pap smear results based on agency - PKW 203 Pind. 2/2007
· Annual Report for family planning for new users according to methods, ethnic, age group and parity at district, state and national level - PKW 204 Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report on control of usage and stock for family planning - PKW 205 Pind. 2/2007
School Health (KSK).
· Monthly/Quarter-yearly Report on Pre-school health service/School health about diseases among pre-school and school children – KSK 201A Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report on immunization for pre-school/school children - KSK 202A Pind. 2/2007
· Coverage Report in school health immunization service - KSK 202B Pind. 2/2007
· Annual Report on pre-school/school health - KSK 203 Pind. 2/2007
Adolescent Health (PKR).
· Monthly/Annual Report on Adolescent health service – PKR 201A
· Annual Report on Adolescent health service – PKR 201B
· Monthly Report on Adolescent health service – dietary habit status/adolescent morbidity - on Adolescent health service – PKR 202A
Elderly Health Service (PKWE).
· Monthly/Annual Report on elderly health – PKWE 201A
· Monthly/Annual Report on elderly health – PKWE 201B
Diet (KZM).
· Monthly/Annual Report on full cream milk powder – KIB 210 Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report on dietary habit standard for children below 5years – KKK 210A, B and C Pind. 2/2007
· Monthly/Annual Report on KZM children who receive and never receive help – KZM 201 Pind. 2/2007
HMIS-TB is a system of collection of data based on clinic or treatment centre. At the same time, notification of communicable diseases including tuberculosis is sent and registered at the district health office. This leads to a lot of contradiction in terms of data between the treatment centres and district health office. It also indirectly causes the failure of the Epidemiology Unit and State Health Office to obtain accurate information about tuberculosis cases in their own district although they are supposed to be responsible in the coordination of control and preventive measures.
As such, a new system which is known as the Tuberculosis Information System (TBIS) has been developed to overcome these problems. The characteristics of TBIS include :
1. District Health Office becomes the centre of data collection, monitoring and reporting of all tuberculosis-related activities in the district.
2. Main reports begin from District Health Office except for simple reports regarding the location of patients who are receiving treatment and laboratory services which begins from treatment centre.
3. State report will only be sent to the ministry every 3 months and annually.
4. All cases of tuberculosis including those which are notified by private healthcare facilities will be registered under the District Tibi Registry according to their residence when diagnosis was done. That registration number will be permanent and the registration at other districts is strictly prohibited although they can change their treatment centres for their own convenience.
5. Patients’ information are given more importance to evaluate the effectiveness and achievement of DOTS. This allows a comparison to be done between Malaysia and other countries in line with requirement of World Health Organisation.
This new system allows the coordination of data collection and notification for tuberculosis in the whole country. With this information, the District Health Office is able to carry out the control and preventive measures in a more effective manner.
The TBIS format is prepared for 3 major activities which are the handling of patient and contacts, laboratory services and BCG immunization. Each of these components has 3 formats according to usage which are accessory (daily handling), registration and reporting. The serial numbers(for forms) below 100, 100 and 200 are for accessory, registration and reporting respectively. The summary of the numbering is as shown in the table below :
In Kota Star, the health inspector-in-charged of TBIS will receive all TBIS 10A-1 forms from all the government clinics in the district, but not from the hospitals. The information from the forms will be transferred to the e-notis online database, which is a registry for all diseases. The information from here is automatically transferred to the myTB database, which is updated with more information and gives more detailed information, including treatment progress, defaulters and results.
For cases reported in hospitals, all the TBIS 10A-1 forms will be recorded in e-notis by the Recording Department of the hospital. Like the previous ones, this info will also be automatically transferred to myTB database. However, the myTB database can only be updated by the health inspector of the district health office who will be receiving the TBIS 10A-1 forms from the hospitals.
Communicable Disease Case Information System (CDCIS).
CDCIS is an online programme to register the new cases of many communicable diseases such as Dengue fever, cholera and hand, foot mouth disease. The cases can be reviewed by the higher levels of organisation once the cases are registered. This enables the tracing of the number of new cases reported for a certain disease and as such, precautions can be taken before the communicable diseases spread. The cases will be notified by the doctors either in the general or private hospitals who come across any of the diseases which are in the notification list. Doctors will call up the Health Office to notify them and provide them with necessary information.
Previously, all the information will be sent from the district to the state and finally to IDS in Ministry of Health with the use of diskettes. However, this information can now be sent directly via the online system known as e-notis. E-notis encompasses most of the communicable diseases which includes HIV. Once the information is entered into the system, only certain fields can be edited such as the status of the laboratory results. However, the status and information for HIV patients cannot be edited as this disease is recognized to be not reversible by the system.
VEKPRO is a stand alone system for the recording of vector- borne diseases such as dengue fever, malaria and filariasis. This system is another recording system for the vector unit apart of e-notis to monitor the status of certain diseases. The data is compiled and sent to the State Health Office ideally on a daily basis. The difference between VEKPRO and e-notis is that the keying in of data into VEKPRO requires the fulfillment of a few criterias whereas for e-notis, such conditions are not necessary. For example, a dengue case can only be recorded into VEKPRO if the patient is having certain criterias such as fever more than 38oC, joint pain and so on. As for e-notis, the case has to be keyed in even though the patient is suspected for dengue but is not having the symptoms as stated in the VEKPRO system.
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