Saturday, July 18, 2009

Geriatric Health- Sik district

Geriatric health
1. Geriatric health is included in the primary health care. It is not a unit on its own.
2. In the Sik district, they follow the module given by Gerontological Association of Malaysia (GEM) as a guide to improve the geriatric health in the district.
3. Persatuan Gerontologi Malaysia (GEM)
a) is an NGO.
b) It was formed in 1992 with 30 members with primary aim to introduce the elderly as a part of the community in Malaysia. GEM formed ties with the International Association of Gerontology & Geriatric (IAGG) since 2001.
c) The objectives of this association are:
1. To raise the awareness of aging in the society of Malaysia.
2. To conduct research on gerontology.
3. To be the catalyst for collecting and spreading the knowledge and specialties offered in gerontology.
4. To use the knowledge, specialties and experience to form policies that can be used by the government and other agencies about the aging issues.
5. To encourage the co-operation between organization and individuals who are interested in gerontology.
6. To co-operate with appointed association that has the same interest in national and international level.
7. To continue to increase the financial resources to fulfill the inspiration of GEM.
8. To carry out activities which are related to aging as to reach and fulfill the target of GEM.
d) Vision
To promote quality of life of the elderly in a spirit of respect, dignity and integrity consistent with their spiritual and social cultural values.
e) Mission
To enhance the well being of the elderly though health promotion, research, information dissemination and community support service.

4. There are four modules that have been established by the GEM
a. Module 1-Aging process
• Aim: to expose the participants to the aging process in order to increase the awareness of the importance of geriatric health as the basis of the welfare of the elderly.
• Objectives:
1. To comprehend the concept and definition of adult growth
2. T o expose the participant to the aging process
3. T o comprehend the factors affecting aging process, which includes biological, environmental and daily activities.
4. To give guidelines on adoption and self adaptation to face the challenge of aging process.
• Activities
1. Concept of growth- adult growth
2. Concept, definition and types of age and aging- understanding aging
3. Adaptation in aging
b. Module 2-health problems and the diseases related to aging
• Aims: to expose and to guide the participants in playing a more effective and more efficient role in understanding health issues and diseases related to aging.
• Objectives:
1. To understand the reason why elderly are more vulnerable to certain diseases.
2. To discuss about the cause of diseases includes limited mobility, fall, incontinence, dementia and iatrogenic problem.
3. To understand the complications related to geriatrics.
4. To understand the management of the patients with geriatric diseases
5. To understand the concept of prevention and control.
• Activities:
1. geriatric giants - limited mobility
2. chronic diseases -hypertension
-ischemic heart disease
-diabetes mellitus
3. sex and aging -andropause-male menopause
4. medication -medication complications
c. Module 3- healthy, active and productive aging
• Objectives:
1. To understand the concept, definition and characteristic of healthy, active and productive aging
2. To expose to health issues and methods in remaining healthy, active and productive aging
3. To build positive attitude in facing the aging process
4. To understand the eating habit of the elderly as to reach and maintain the optimum health status towards healthy, active and productive aging
5. To raise awareness on methods for financial plan for later days.
• Activities:
1. definition and characteristics of healthy, active and productive aging
2. methods to maintain healthy, active and productive aging
3. to have a positive attitude in facing aging process
4. elderly diet to maintain the optimum health status towards healthy, active and productive aging
5. physical activity promotion
6. financial management in olden days
d. Module 4- elderly welfare
• Objectives:
1. To inform the participants on process of taking care of the elderly.
2. To inform about the rights and the role of the caretaker, the challenges that they face and implication in taking care of the elderly.
3. To inform the participants for the help that can be obtained which includes support services.
4. To inform about the need of taking care of oneself.
5. To inform about the importance and the ways to make a will.
6. To give a guide on how to handle death and the processes before that.
• activities:
1. caretaker- caretaker concept
2. elderly caretaking process - diet
-caretaking elderly with incontinence
-mobilize technique for elderly
3. will
4. death, sadness, lost - death and process of death
-sadness and lost

5. Other activities:
Persatuan Warga Mas - for people who are 60 years old and above who have registered.
-activities are organized by the members of the persatuan with the help of the staff nurses uncharged.
1. Exercise (Gymnasium)
2. Annual camp: Jogathon, Cook competition which is assessed by Nutrition Officer, Aerobic)
3. Visit to Old Folks Home in Bedong

6. Screening program is available in all KK and KD. The target group includes patient and elderly accompanying younger patients.
-The scope of the screening program includes:
a. Nutrition
b. Substance abuse
c. Physical activity
d. Abuse (emotional, physical, sexual, bully)
e. Memory problem checklist
f. Activity of daily living (ADL)
g. Instrumental activity of daily living (IADL)
h. Geriatric depression scale
i. Falls
j. Continence

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